These guidelines aim to help create a safe environment on all social media channels and messaging platforms owned and/or operated by Yell. We request that anyone engaging with us or other members of the community on our social media channels and/or messaging platforms shows courtesy and respect for our employees and all other members of our social media communities, and agrees to follow these guidelines.

We ask both consumers and customers to abide by these guidelines. Any comments about Yell must be based on a genuine, direct, first-hand experience with us. For clarity, our definition of an experience is where you have been actively engaged as part of a buying process or delivery of our services.

Posts, comments and messages must not:

  • contain content which may be considered defamatory, libellous or malicious about Yell, its employees and/or representatives or other organisations or groups;
  • be intentionally or unintentionally false, misleading, deceptive, inaccurate, incorrect, unreliable or off-topic;
  • contain content that is discriminatory, offensive, threatening, abusive, obscene, hateful or inflammatory. This includes (but is not limited to) the use of profanities; prejudiced comments; and/or hate speech;
  • breach copyright or other intellectual property rights, for example by: i) using Yell’s or someone else's images or written content without permission; or ii) failing to give acknowledgement where permission has been given to reproduce something;
  • include accusations against a named person such as a Yell employee;
  • detail personal information such as full names, email addresses, mailing addresses or phone numbers of individual members of staff, or any other individual;
  • contain any competitor advertising or promotion;
  • promote any aims, ideals or agendas;
  • breach any of the terms of any of the social media platforms themselves; and/or
  • contain links to inappropriate content and/or content that breaches any of the above terms.

Comment responses and moderations

  • We aim to respond to your comments and messages across our social media channels within 3 hours (8am - 6pm Monday to Friday on a business day).
  • There are filters on some social media platforms to hide obscenities, and we will also use our own discretion to hide or delete comments where they contravene these guidelines.
  • There are filters on our messaging platforms designed to identify obscenities, and we will use our own discretion to establish whether these comments contravene these guidelines
  • We may block users from our social media channels and/or messaging platforms if their comments breach our guidelines, and we may contact people by private message to advise them of this and highlight our guidelines to them.
  • We reserve the right to send any comments to law enforcement authorities for investigation as we feel necessary or as required by law.

These guidelines apply to all Yell's social media channels including, but not limited to @Yell & @YellBusiness Facebook Pages, @Yell, @YellBusiness & @YellSupport Twitter accounts, @Yell LinkedIn company page, @Yellcom & @YellBusiness Instagram profiles, and @Yell & @YellBusiness YouTube channels.

These guidelines apply to Yell’s messaging platforms including Yell Messaging and Yell Service Messaging.